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Monday, November 19, 2007

Give Thanks

It's that time of year to really be thankful for our blessings. Here's how to make these sweet little pilgrim boys and girls: (All icing is royal icing)

  1. Using a #2 tip, outline ears and bottom of the faces onto cookie with fleshtone colored icing. (AmeriColor Copper/Fleshtone)
  2. Using a #2 tip, outline hair with yellow icing, meeting up with flesh outline. Use the same icing to outline cookie edge. (Spectrum Lemon Yellow mixed with AmeriColor Egg Yellow)
  3. Outline pilgrim hat with a #3 tip, meeting with pilgrim hair. (Spectrum Super Black)
  4. Thin fleshtone icing to the consistency of syrup. Cover with a damp cloth and let sit several minutes. Stir gently to pop bubbles that have formed on top. Pour into a squeeze bottle and fill in the pilgrim faces. Use a toothpick to coax the icing into all corners and to edges.
  5. Using the same method as above, fill in yellow hair and black hat.
  6. Thin white royal icing and fill in remainder of the cookie.
  7. Let dry for 1 hour.
  8. Using a #1 tip, dot eyes on the faces.
  9. Using a #1 tip, add a buckle to the hat and detail to hair.
  10. Let dry overnight. (This is a must for the next step.)
  11. With food coloring pens, add a mouth and "give thanks", or personalization would be nice here for place cards. (AmeriColor Gourmet Writer pens)

Happy Thanksgiving!

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