Oh, Yay!!! I've been tagged by adorable Ema from Ema's Edible Experiments who has a yummy blog and her own personal lab rat! :)
So, here are the meme rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 5 facts about yourself.
3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
Five facts about me:
- I've been married for 11 years to this great guy who is a great taste-tester, cookie cutter maker (when I'm desperate) and wonderful dad. Did I mention he does the dishes? No, you can't have him! We have a 9-year-old son who is into Legos, computers, Animusic (don't get me started) and likes to run around in his underwear. :) He's pretty funny! Here we are just a few weeks ago at Epcot.
- I love cookbooks and cooking magazines! I can't get out of the library without scanning the cookbook aisle. Current library fines: $23.50...yep, $23!
- Celebrity crush....Bill Murray. How can you not love that face?!?!?
- Favorite movies...Grease, Love Actually, Spanglish, When Harry Met Sally and, most recently, Waitress.
- Favorite dessert...chocolate chip cookies! We used to go to a restaurant in Dallas, Kathleen's Art Cafe, that served a Hot Chocolate Chip Cookie in an individual baking dish, hot from the oven with a scoop of ice cream on top, heaven!
Now I tag:
- Robin at Made with Love...
- Happy Homebaker at Happy Home Baking
- Brooke at ....and a cookie for dessert
- Evie at The Incredible Shrinking Whimsigal
- Mrs. Presley at Good Eats 'n Sweet Treats