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Thursday, March 19, 2009

How to Live Gluten-Free on a Budget: 10 Tips + 2 Recipes

Potatoes are gluten free
Farmers' market potatoes. Gluten-free and budget friendly.

How to live gluten-free on a budget? It's a legitimate concern. I feel your pain. $6.95 for a gluten-free baking mix? Ouch.

There's a lot of chit chat lately about food budgets, food prices, and stretching a dollar on Twitter and Food Blogs. Budget talk is in the air. Eating in and cooking from scratch is a trend now. And for those of us living gluten-free, a  trend unlikely to burn out soon. 

So if- like me- you are struggling to balance your cranky budget, here are ten tips and tricks to stretch the green and keep it tasty.

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How to Live Gluten-Free on a Budget: 10 Tips + 2 Recipes Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin