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Friday, May 29, 2009


my 7th award from Ditty, makasi yah.

  1. Post the award asap
  2. Tag the award to people as many as you like
  3. Mention 5 of your fav blogs with the reason
  4. Mention the person who gives you this award
2. i want to tagg..
Little miss day dream
Shida Aruya
Dwi Amtisari

3. my fav blog..
ahh semuanya favorite kokk. i can't choose to top 5, they're all the cutest xD

4. Ditty, yah si dityymizzlizzy my new friend from bloggers that kind enough to tag me awards.
& she's a beatlemania. xD ♥♥

♛ AWARD Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin