I must apologize for going a bit MIA, especially in the middle of my dining alfresco posts. Thus far, I have logged over 22 hours on the road this past week as I drove to Ohio for the wedding of one of my best friends and then continued north to see E's mom and grandma for a day. While I've been gone, my internet access has been far more limited than I'd expected, but it has been wonderful to have time to catch up with family and old friends.
Today starts my trip back towards Texas with day stops in Kentucky and Tennessee to visit my best friend from college and then my family, so posting may be light for the rest of the week as well, but I wanted to finish this look at outdoor dining spaces before I hit the road again.
We've looked at simple, clean-lined outdoor dining areas, as well as those with lush, garden settings in our dining alfresco posts, and I wanted to close this series with a focus on spaces that have an eclectic mix of elements.
After looking at each style, I must admit that I am still unsure what type of space I'd most want for my own; I'd be tempted to say, "One of each, please." What about you? Do you have a clear favorite if you had to choose?