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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

For a very POPular Teacher . . .

Can it be? Summer is almost here? But before's time for teacher appreciation gifts!

Welcome to those of you coming from Woodlands Family Magazine (and to everybody else, too)! I'm so happy to be working with Melissa of Domesticated Lady (you're going to love her!) to bring you not only a how-to for cookies, but an adorable FREE printable topper as well!

Let's get started on the cookies (you can make these NOW and freeze them until the end of school!):

  • Make sugar cookies using a candy corn cookie cutter (it's a multi-tasker) and let cool.

Using red royal icing and a #3 tip, pipe the outline of a popcorn box (AmeriColor Super Red).

  • With a #2 tip, pipe a wide oval in yellow icing (AmeriColor Egg Yellow).

  • With another #2 tip, pipe the outline of popped popcorn above the box in white (add AmeriColor Bright White for extra white).
  • Thin the yellow icing with a bit of water, stirring gently until it is the consistency of thick syrup. Let sit several minutes covered with a damp dishtowel (see a video of this process here).
  • Gently stir the icing with a rubber spatula to pop any air bubbles that have risen to the surface and transfer to a squeeze bottle.

  • Fill in the oval and part of each popcorn piece.
  • Thin the white icing in a similar fashion.

  • Fill in the popcorn box and the remainder of the popcorn. Swirl the yellow and white icings together on the popcorn.
  • Let dry at least 1 hour.

  • Using a #5 tip, add wide red stripes to the popcorn boxes.
  • Switch to a #2 tip and pipe "POPcorn" in red on the oval.

  • Outline the oval in red using the #2 tip.

  • Let the cookies dry overnight before packaging.
My favorite part? The swirly popcorn pieces:

The free printable topper is available from Domesticated Lady here.

Melissa, of Domesticated Lady) has so many wonderful ideas...I know you'll want to check out the rest of her darling blog while you're there! (And the online version of her article about the toppers/cookies is here.) It was a pleasure working with Melissa...this theme was all her idea...she is so creative!!!

If you want to make a few individual popcorn pieces to go along with these, check out these too cute cookies from The Decorated Cookie! Is that the cutest idea, or what?

You know what? I made popcorn cookies about 5 years ago and I am so glad to get a chance to update them. Wanna see?

I like this year's version much better!

I'll be linking it to TidyMom's I'm Lovin' It linky party. :)

Have you planned your teacher gifts yet?

For a very POPular Teacher . . . Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin