kay, more giveaways. all types of goodies up for grabs.
jewelries, handmades, beauty, etc^^
- FlowerLeaf Necklace Giveaway
due: MAY 6th
due: APRIL 14th
due: APRIL 18th
due: APRIL 27th
due: APRIL 23rd
- Jacaranda Designs Jewelry Giveaway on Jacarandagal Blogdue: APRIL 30th
- Melissa Woods Giveaway on On The Search For Hidden Treasure Blog
due: APRIL 29th
due: APRIL 17th
due: APRIL 23rd
due: MAY 8th
due: APRIL 18th
- Sticky Words Vinyl Lettering Giveaway on International Giveaways Blog
due: APRIL 18th
due: APRIL 17th
due: MAY 2nd
due: MAY 13th
due: APRIL 15th
due: MAY 2nd
due: APRIL 24th
due: APRIL 15th
due: APRIL 21th
due: APRIL 24th
- Zygomatics Giveaway
due: APRIL 17th
due: APRIL19th
- Lila Ruby King Giveaway on Lilly Ella's Blog
due: APRIL 18th
- The Ultimate Blog Party 2010 Hawaiian Giveaway
due: APRIL 15th
due: APRIL 20th
love.love ♥♥