more tagss^^ let's do this..
I grabbed from Amy on ILoveToBeDazzled Blog~
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what are your most common nicknames?
- Risya^^
what is today's weather?
- bright, humid, & super sunny~~
where did you go on vacation this year?
- my usual favorite vacation spot~~ THAILAND & INDONESIA^^
what did you do there?
- beaches, nightlife's, shopping, mountains^^
what job do you do?
- I'm unemployed. LOL. I have never worked ever in my life!!
describe where you live?
- well at this moment I'm currently living in Penang, Malaysia to study for my University , but nothing really interesting here.
however, my real home in Jakarta is pretty much home sweet home. my mom do gardening a lot.. lots of pretty grass, flowers, & trees surrounding my house. & then the outside lounge with the swing is super comfy to drink tea & read books on the swing in the afternoon. my mom always cook homemade food & there are lots and lots of food stalls nearby so I'm in a good hand everytime I went back home~~
this is my HOUSE..
what do you usually do on weekends?
- well it really depends of the circumstances & my mood. but usually I go eat dinner with my BF, or catch some movies, do a little shopping, etc~~
what food hit your 'bliss spot'?
- when it comes to food, I can't narrow it down to only ONE. it's a very hard question *xD
what drink really does it for you?
- have you ever heard of Jägerbomb? hahaaa!!^^
what was the last restaurant you went to?
- a japanese restaurant. I ordered my favorite beef ramen, my BF ordered cheese tuna sushi & kakiage~
where would you like to live if you had unlimited money and nothing stopping your dreams?
- definitely a big biig traditional wooden Balinese house^^ with high quality wooden walls & floors, nature looking houses, earth friendly and home sweet home aura^^ imagine roses bathtub, romantic looking room~~ this is my definite dream house!!
beautifuuulll~~ that's why BALI, Indonesia is one of the hot-spot for honeymoon^^
or a big big houses with a magnificent historical heritage and with a beautiful architecture design and expensive vintage interior. also I want to have a biiigg garden with the swings, hanging flowers, green green grass, butterflies, and one small secret garden^^~~ an English / Europeans type of houses.. YAYYY!!!!!!!!!
what is the likeness of you achieving this dream house?
- let's just say, my fingers crossed^^
what do you like to do in your spare time?
- I usually dance or choreographing dance moves, or the usual types of things such blogging, listening to music, taking a nap, reading, browsing, drinking tea, etc. but when I'm not so lazy, I usually like to cook & bake^^
what's your favorite genre for TV program?
- reality show, drama, game show, pranks, comedy, cartoon, national geographic, history, documentary, animal watch, basically anything good.
my favorite would be: That 70's Show, Dark Angel, Gossip Girl, Southpark, How I Met Your Mother, Project Runway, Documentaries, etc etc~~
what's are you looking forward at the moment?
- I hope to graduate from University soon to get my degree, maybe then make my own jewelry line, reunited with my family, and settle down somewhere to build a new family^^
how would you describe your personality?
- flamboyant, whimsical, sensitive, curious, honest^^
if you had a personality eraser, what part of your might you erase?
- my insecurity^^
kay. I tagged these to all of you who reads my post^^
don't forget to tell me when you did, I'd lovee to see your answers^^
♥♥ love.love