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Friday, August 20, 2010

THANK YOU BLOGGER! Love the new spam filter!!!

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Wags 'n Whiskers Blog Hop!

I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere else,  but the spam filter that Blogger has installed is the ultimate in fabulousness!!!! The other day,  I got an email that I had received a comment on one of my posts. When I clicked on it to see what it was, I RACED to my blog, because it was a comment with the most VULGAR (and I do mean vulgar) statements. I clicked on the post so I could delete it really quickly, hopefully before anyone would have to see the nastiness. It was nowhere to be found on my post!!! I look in my spam, and WOOHOO BLOGGER!!! It's sitting there with about five or six of those asian symbol emails that kept showing up on my posts as well!!! I have not had one piece of spam post to my blog since they initiated it! I think I might have activated it by clicking on a few of the spam posts and clicking on the "report as spam" button they now have up. I'm not sure about how it started, I'm just really happy it did!! I just had to give them a huge shout out, cause now, there is really no more need for word verification. So I again send out my plea....please turn off your word verification. You don't need it to stop the spam, and I would greatly appreciate it when I visit you and want to comment! Have a great weekend everyone! HUGS!

THANK YOU BLOGGER! Love the new spam filter!!! Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin