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Monday, November 8, 2010

Etsy Must-Have

We LOVE Etsy. Why so much LOVE? We adore supporting the handmade community and buying HANDmade. We know, when buying handmade, you won't show up next to someone wearing the same thing as you - which we just LOVE. Can we say LOVE enough? Well, here is one more for you - we LOVE the hair goodies in this Etsy Shop - Shirk Designs.
They sent us a sprinkling of samples to review & well, we fell in LOVE. 

cupcakeMAG picks! 
{what we LOVE} 

Vintage Red & Cream Headband, $8
Tartan Plaid Rosette Headband, $12
Have a Little? We just adore these sweet Baby Mum Barettes - perfect to add some sass to their wardrobe along with the Fabric Flower Clips. They are SO cupcakeMAG approved!

What are you waiting for? Head over to Shirk Designs now & get shopping! 

Etsy Must-Have Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: admin